To compose a message:
1. On the Messages tab of a completed disbursement, select Disbursement Messages.
The Disbursement Messages section displays.
2. Select Compose Message.
Tip: You can also select the Compose Message button on the Disbursements tab of the completed disbursement.
The Compose Message window opens.
3. From the Payee Name drop-down list, select the payee name.
4. Enter the account number and amount of the disbursement, and enter the message.
5. Select Submit.
The message is sent.
To view a SureFund response
1. On the Messages tab of a completed disbursement, select Disbursement Messages.
The Disbursement Messages tab displays.
Note: SureFund responses will be marked with a green dot .
2. On the SureFund response, marked with a green dot, select View.
The message displays.
3. Select OK to close.