To activate your RSA Token:
- Download the RSA SecurID Software Token app to your mobile device.
- Go to
- Log in using your SureFund/Teranet Account and Username.
Note: If you are a new user, you will receive these details in an email from SureFund Customer Service.
- Answer the security questions, accept the Terms and Conditions, and select Continue.
- On the Portas Registration page, answer the two Security Questions. Use the Tips to set the Security Questions, Answers and Hints, then select Submit.
- Follow the onscreen password rules to create your new Teraview Web Password, then select Create Password.
- On the Administer Soft Token screen, select your device type and then open the RSA SecurID Software Token app on your device. Follow the on-screen instructions to enter your Device ID or Binding ID, then select Submit.
- Make note of the Token Password on the screen and then select Back to Administration.
- You will receive an email which you will open from your mobile device. This email contains a file which you will open with the RSA SecurID Software Token app and activate your token by entering the Token Password provided on screen.
You are now ready to access SureFund.